Poll :

Votre avis sur le site

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View comments of this poll(41)
  Génial !(1549 votes)
  Bien(190 votes)
  Peut mieux faire(87 votes)
  Vraiment bof(121 votes)
  Avis neutre(74 votes)





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The PCInfo-Web's newsletter

PCInfo-Web's newsletter is a weekly mail that containts main week's news, last security alerts, last articles & reviews, etc. ...
It represents a concentration of information about what's happened during the week and will particularly interest people who have only sometimes time to read news during the week.
The newsletter is sent every Friday night.

Note : if you have a account on the site, please log in and go to "My options" page, you will be able to configure whether you want to receive the newsletter or not. If you configured your account to receive the newsletter and you subscribe here (so without being logged on) you might receive the newsletter two times...